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 Guia de tablets

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Femenino Géminis Mensajes : 56
Fecha de nacimiento : 27/05/1981
Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2009
Edad : 43
Localización : Barcelona / Jangan :-P
Empleo /Ocio : Tumbing (agarrar el control del tv y tumbarse)
Humor : Jueliz

Guia de tablets Empty
MensajeTema: Guia de tablets   Guia de tablets EmptySáb Nov 28, 2009 7:00 am

Aqui les dejo una guia de las tablets y su utilidad ^_^

Jade tablet of air Light Resist
Jade tablet of astral Astral
Jade tablet of discipline Weapon Block
Jade tablet of dodging Parry
Jade tablet of fire Fire Resist
Jade tablet of fogs Cold Resist
Jade tablet of immortal Immortal
Jade tablet of immunity Poison Resist
Jade tablet of Int Int
Jade tablet of luck Lucky
Jade tablet of magic MP
Jade tablet of master Durability
Jade tablet of penetration Critical Parry
Jade tablet of revival Zombie Resist
Jade tablet of stamina HP
Jade tablet of steady Steady
Jade tablet of Str Str
Jade tablet of strikes Attack Rating
Ruby tablet of agility Block rate
Ruby tablet of challenge Critical
Ruby tablet of courage Phy Attack
Ruby tablet of dodging Parry
Ruby tablet of flesh Phy Defense
Ruby tablet of focus Attack Rating
Ruby tablet of life Phy Reinforce
Ruby tablet of meditation Mag Reinforce
Ruby tablet of mind Mag Defense
Ruby tablet of philosophy Mag Attack
Ruby tablet of prayer Mag Absorb
Ruby tablet of spirit Mag Reinforce
Ruby tablet of training Phy Absorb
Ruby tablet of warriors Phy Reinforce
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Guia de tablets
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